Annotated bibliography代写🎓注释参考书目代写

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Annotated bibliography代写



Annotated bibliography代写🎓注释参考书目代写

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Smith, J. (2019). The impact of climate change on agriculture. Green Earth Press.

In this book, Smith provides a comprehensive analysis of the effects of climate change on global agriculture. The author explores various aspects, including changes in precipitation patterns, temperature fluctuations, and the consequences of extreme weather events on food production. The book is well-structured and easy to understand, making it suitable for students and researchers in environmental science, agriculture, and related fields. The book also offers potential solutions to mitigate the impact of climate change on agriculture, making it a valuable resource for policymakers and industry professionals.


Doe, Jane. The History of Artificial Intelligence: From Turing to Today. TechPress, 2020.

Jane Doe’s book offers an in-depth examination of the history and development of artificial intelligence (AI) from its inception to the present day. The author discusses key milestones in AI’s evolution, including the work of Alan Turing, the development of machine learning algorithms, and the rise of neural networks. This book is a valuable resource for students, researchers, and professionals in computer science and related fields who wish to gain a better understanding of the historical context and progression of AI. Doe’s accessible writing style and extensive research make this book an engaging and informative read.


Johnson, Emily, and Thomas Brown. Urban Planning and Sustainable Development. 3rd ed. City Press, 2018.

Emily Johnson and Thomas Brown’s Urban Planning and Sustainable Development is a thorough examination of the principles and practices of sustainable urban planning. The book discusses various topics, such as land use, transportation, energy efficiency, and green infrastructure, providing real-world case studies to illustrate successful implementation. The authors also address potential challenges and offer practical solutions for integrating sustainable practices into urban planning processes. The book is well-suited for students, researchers, and professionals in urban planning, environmental studies, and related fields. The clear writing style and extensive references make this an essential resource for anyone interested in sustainable urban development.




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